
Racking Inspections

Pallet racking inspections are required under Health & Safety legislation & are now a legal requirement.
Regular rack safety inspections can help reduce both insurance & maintenance costs

A Rack Audit may be required by your Health & Safety Officer or insurance company following an accident or rack collapse .

We can provide you with an annual safety inspection & can also offer Rack Awareness Training for your staff.

Rack Awareness Training

We offer onsite pallet rack inspection courses allowing you to maintain & conduct your regular internal weekly & monthly inspections.

Courses are tailored to your particular premises

Courses are suitable for all ability levels & does not require prior warehousing experience.

Course purpose is to instruct the user in the correct method of conducting internal racking inspections in accordance to SEMA guidelines

Course is compliant with UK health & Safety & PUWER regulations

Course content:

  • Legislation requirements
  • Correct use & operation of pallet racking
  • Methods of inspecting & recording follow up procedures, trial inspections by the delegates

We can also help construct internal racking orders. Contact us.

Amtec Training Ltd | M: 07714 664402 | Head Office: (01985) 300983 | Email: training@amtectraining.co.uk